html5 add stickers to photos

  • Add images to your site from your computer or from the Wix library. Customize your images by opening the Image Settings window.
  • Adding an Image

    Add an image to your site from the Image Settings window.
    To add an image:
    1. From the left side of the Editor, click the plus sign to open Add.
    2. From Add, click Image and then choose an image option.
    3. From Image Settings, click Change Image.
    4. From the Image Gallery, click an image and then click OK.
    Your image appears on your site.
    To return to Add, click Back to Add from the top of the Image window.
    To close Add, click from the top right.
  • Uploading an Image

    Upload a new image to your site from Image Settings.
    To upload an image:
    1. From the left side of the Editor, click the plus sign to open Add.
    2. From Add, click Image and then choose an image option.
    3. From Image Settings, click Change Image.
    4. From the Image Gallery, click Upload Image.
    5. Browse your folders and select your image. Click Open to upload your image.
    To select more than one image, hold down the CTRL key and click several images.
    6. From the Image Gallery, click your image and then click OK.
    7. Click outside of the image to close Image Settings.
    Your image appears.
    You can upload .jpg, .png, and .gif files up to 10MB each. Click here for tips on how to improve the quality of your uploaded images.
    To return to Add, click Back to Add from the top of the Image window.
    To close Add, click from the top right.
  • Editing an Image

    To edit an image:
    1. Click the image to select it and from the pop-up, click Settings.
    2. From Image Settings, click Edit Image.
    3. From the top of Edit Image, click an option.
    4. Customize the image and click Apply.
    See the table below for more details about each option.
    5. Click Save.
    Your image is edited.

    Edit Image Options

    CropCrop your image.Select Custom or Fit or drag and drop the cropping handles to set the crop of your image.
    OrientationRotate or flip the orientation of your imageClick the rotate or flip icons or drag and drop the rotate handle to rotate or flip your image. 
    EnhanceChange the lighting of your images.Click a lighting effect from the top of Edit Image.
    EffectsAdd a color effect to your image.
    Click a color effect from the top of Edit Image.
    FramesAdd a frame to your image.Click a frame option from the top of Edit Image.
    BrightnessChange the brightness of your image.Adjust the brightness from the top of Edit Image.
    ContrastChange the contrast of your image.Adjust the contrast from the top of Edit Image.
    SaturationChange the color saturation of your image.Adjust the saturation from the top of Edit Image.
    WarmthAdd warm or cool tones to your image.Adjust the warmth from the top of Edit Image.
    SharpnessChange the clarity of your image.Adjust the sharpness from the top of Edit Image.
    DrawDraw on top of your image.Click a drawing tool and color from the top ofEdit Image and use the mouse to draw on your image.
    RedeyeRemove red eyes from your image.Choose a tool size from the top of Edit Imageand click the red eyes in your image to remove the red.
    WhitenAdd more white to areas of your image.Choose a tool size from the top of Edit Image and click an area of your image to add more white.
    BlemishFix blemishes on your image.Choose a tool size from the top of Edit Image and click an area of your image to blend blemishes into your image.
    StickersAdd stickers to your image.Choose a sticker from the top of Edit Imageto add it to your image. Drag and drop the sticker, rotate and resize it.
    TextAdd text to your images.Add a text box to your image and choose a color and font from the top of Edit Image. Drag and drop the text box, edit the text, rotate and resize it. Click Add Text from the top of Edit Image to add another text box.

  • Customizing an Image

    Customize your images by clicking on them and updating your settings from the Image Settings window.
    To customize an image:
    1. Click an image.
    2. From Image Settings, change the StyleChange the image, choose an Image mode, type in a Title andAlt text and add a link.
    3. Click outside of the image to close Image Settings.
    Your image is customized.
  • Image Options

    Once you have added an image to your site, customize it from the Image Settings window:
    Image mode – change your Image mode to one of the following options:
    Cropcrop your image while maintaining its aspect ratio.
    Centercenter your image within the frame while maintaining its aspect ratio.
    Stretchstretch your image to the size of the image frame.
    Fitfit your original image to the size of the image frame.
    Style – add, remove or create your own frames for your images.
    Alt text – add alternative text to your images.
    Link – link your image to an external website, a page of your site, an email address or a document.
  • Uploading Images from Your Mobile Device

    You can upload images to your Wix Image Gallery from your Android or iOs devices.

    Uploading Images from Your Android Device

    To upload an image to Wix from your Android phone:
    1. Click here from your Android phone and install the Wix Pics app.
    2. Open the application and login to your Wix account.
    3. From the bottom left of the main screen, select a folder to upload your image to.
    You can add a new folder to your Wix Pics app by pressing Add Folder.
    If you don’t select a folder, your images will be added to an automatically created Mobile Uploads folder.
    4. Press the camera icon to take a new picture or press Upload an Image to select an image from your mobile gallery.
    5. From the Image Processor screen, Rotate your image or set the SaturationHueBrightness andContrast.
    6. When your image is ready, press Upload.
    Your image is uploaded to your Wix Image Gallery.
    Press an image to manage it: you can move an image to a different Wix Pics folder or delete it.
    To select many images at once press the images. You can then press Set Folder to move them to another folder or press Delete to mass delete the images.

    Uploading Images from Your iOS Device

    To upload images from your iOS device:
    1. Download the WixTools app from the App Store.
    2. From the WixTools app, press Login to log in to your Wix account.
    3. Type your Wix user email and password and press Submit.
    4. To upload an image, press Upload Photo From Library or Take a New Shot.
    5. From the bottom of the image, press the pencil icon to edit the image name.
    6. From the bottom right of the image, press the upload icon.
    Your image uploads to your Wix Image Gallery.
    You can manage the images in your Wix gallery by pressing the Manage Wix Gallery tab of the WixTools app. From Manage Wix Gallery, you can view or delete your Wix gallery images.
    Your image will immediately be available in the Wix Image Gallery. If you do not see it, you may need to refresh your Editor.